RS Industries offers drilling services to their clients. It is a simple but important spare part and machinery manufacturing process which involves forming holes in metals using a drill bit and other advanced equipment. We have multiple drill bit options, such as carbide single-point and multi-point or high-speed steel bits. During this process, the metal is dipped in a coolant reservoir in the drilling machine. The coolant lowers the temperature of the metal, makes it easier to transform, and blows metal chips away to ensure a smooth finish.
We offer the following drilling services for different metals: Milling - drills machine slots or complex shapes into the metal. Also used for creating a flat surface and machining the edges of a plate. Reaming - is used to enlarge a pre-existing hole with a closer tolerance. Countersink - is used to cut a conical hole on the spare part or remove the burr from drilling or tapping Counterbore - is used to enlarge an existing flat-bottomed hole on a workpiece.
If you want to design customized spare parts and machinery components for your equipment, contact RS Industries. We offer drilling and other metal services to ensure strong, reliable, and durable products.